


“一莲宣涟”系列 (八) | Lifelong Integrity—Nothing but Breeze in the Sleeves

  • 时间:2023-06-04
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1.2 Lifelong Integrity—Nothing but Breeze in the Sleeves

Yu Qian (1398-1457), courtesy name Tingyi and pseudonym Jie’an,was a native of Qiantang, Zhejiang Province (now Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province) during the Ming Dynasty. Born in a familyof officials, he was very intelligent in childhood. At the age of 23, he became a successful candidate in the imperial examinations, andlaterserved ascensor,provincial governor, assistant minister of war, minister of war, and so on. Hewas invested as Prince Shaobao (junior mentor for the crown prince).Honest and upright, Yuwas a famousstatesmanand militarystrategistof the Ming Dynasty.

According toCollectedBooksContinued,asthe governor of He’nan, Shan’xi,orother provinces,Yu Qianwassometimes summonedby the monarchtothe capitalfor audience.Beforehis departure,his subordinatesadvised him totakesomelocal specialties,if not valuables, with whichto facilitate the friendship with the powerful in court.At this,Yu smiledandsaid,raisinghis sleeves, “AllIhave isonly thebreeze.”He evenwrote a poem tobarehissoul,“How commonproducts, like silk handkerchiefs, mushrooms and incense, / have nowbroughtthe populacenothing but hardship! /And with only coolbreezein thesleevesbefore his MajestyIshall have my presence, / lest Ishould besubjectedto all the streetgossip.”

Having longbeen a local official,Yu Qianunderstoodverywell thetravails of theordinarypeople. Heknewhandkerchiefs, mushrooms and thread incense (incense in slender shape,made of ground spices,henceits name;it can be used as medicineingredient) were all local specialties andsupplemented the income of families. However, if they were usedas giftstocotton up tothe powers-that-bein thecourt, thepractitionerswouldbe burdened insteadand their production and life would be disrupted. Therefore, he never brought anypresents when hepaid visits tothe capital, so as not toafflictthe people.For 19 years,Yu Qian served as governor of Henan, Shanxi and other places, making outstanding achievements and earning a corruption-freereputationeverywhere he went. During his tenure, heempathized withthe plight of the people,punished the tyrants andvillains, built water conservancy, improved agricultural production, and pled for the people, never afraid of power. Thus, he is known as “Yu Qingtian”—literally,“Yu the Clear Sky”.

Yu Qian led a life of integrity and honesty. Even during his time as a highly esteemed official under Emperor Jing, he never abused his power for personal gain and always prioritized the interests of the state. According toThe History of the Ming Dynasty, after the restoration of Emperor Ying, Yu Qian waswrongly throwninto prison,but no surplus wealth was found inhis ransackedhouse. In sharp contrast, Chen Ruyan, the succeedingMinister of War,who wasa member of Shi Heng's Clique, had "accumulated bribes worthy of ten thousand silver coins"in less thanoneyear. After the downfall of Shi Heng’sfaction, Emperor Ying regretted killing Yu Qian wrongly. Later, several successive emperors of the Ming Dynasty came to justice for Yu Qian, issuing edicts to restorehisofficialpositions, grantinghimposthumous titles, and buildingatemplefor his deeds. In 1590, Emperor Wanlisigned an edict topromoteYu Qian's posthumous title from "Su Min" to "Zhong Su".

“You come out of deep mountains after hammer blows / Under fire and water tortures you’re not in woes / Though broken into pieces,you will have no fright / You’ll purify the world by washing it e’er white.” The poemofSong of the Limecomposedby Yu Qian in his youth is a true portrayal of his lifelong integrity.

翻译:赖永娈 孙嘉琳 孙月涓


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