


“一莲宣涟”系列 (九) | Never Forget to Maintain the Fine Conducts of the Party

  • 时间:2023-06-10
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1.2N ever Forget to Maintain the FineConductsof the Party

Xu Teli, born in 1877, came from Changsha, Hunan Province. After the establishment ofPeople’s Republic ofChinain 1949, he devoted himself to education at an ageover 70. Thetop concern ofXu was maintainingthe Communist Party of China’s fineconductsafter it became the ruling party. He believed that as aveteranparty member, he should never forget to maintain thefine conductsof the party, especiallythe“seeking truth from facts”working style.

Whether in wartime or peacetime, Xu always treated himself as an ordinary citizen.He wouldnever claim credit for himself or become arrogantbecause of his age, high status and great contributions.

In January 1957, Xu went to Changsha to attend the Hunan Provincial People’s Congress. During the meeting,someleaders suggested,“You are 80 years old now. For your health, you do not have to attend the group meetings. But Xu said, “This is a good opportunity for me to listen to the opinions of all parties. Although I am old, I can still listen,take notes, and think.WhenIgo backto Beijing, I’llcompile materials to report to theCentral Committee ofthe CPCand Chairman Mao. How could Ido these important things if I don’t attend the meetings?”During that congress, he arrived 10 minutes earlierforallgroup meetings. Helistened verycarefully and tooknotes. Asit was midwinter and the weather in Changsha was bitterly cold, Xucaughta cold.Other attendeesadvised him totake arest, but he insisted onattendingallthe meetings.

Since he went into the cityin 1949, Xu wasprovidedwith a special car by the Party organization, but he rarely took it, arousing complaints of his security guard.Knowing this,Xusaid to the guard, “Do you know how much petrol the carburns for a ride to the cityand how much it costs?Life is still difficult for our peopleat present. How can we arbitrarily increase the expenditure of our country and further burden our people? If there’sagreat difference between the living standards of cadres and that of our people, they will complain about it!” Xu continued,“Ride lessandwalk more. Andthere are at least three benefits: it’s not only a chance for us todoexercises, a way of reducing national expenses, but also an opportunity to bound closer ties with our people.

In November 1968, Xu donated hissavingsof yearsto the Partywhen he was in extremis. He said tohis children and grandchildren, “What youshould inheritisnot my possessions, but the revolutionary spirit of the older generation.”

翻译:陈奕 桂瑞婕 姜子怡


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