


“一莲宣涟”系列 (三) | A Red Gesang Flower Blossoming on the Snowfield

  • 时间:2023-05-08
  • 来源:
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A Red Gesang Flower Blossoming on the Snowfield

Kong Fansen was born in a poor peasant family in Liaocheng, Shandong Province in 1944. Under the Party’s education, he joined the army, party, and later transferred to civilian work. From the day he set foot on the Tibetan plateau, Kong made up his mind to dedicate himself completely to the sacred land of the motherland,andto the industrious and brave Tibetan people.

During his three years in Gamba County, he visited almost every rural and pastoral area in the county, visiting the poor, publicizing the party's policies, and joining the masses in harvesting, threshing the grain and digging mud ponds to make fertilizer.He developed strong ties with the local people. In 1988,he assumed office in Tibet again, and this time, asthe vice mayor of Lhasa.During his tenure, 80 percent of primary-school-age children in Lhasa were enrolled, in contrast to 45 percent before.

Early in 1994 when Kong, together with the people of the region, was striving for Ngari’s development, a rare blizzard swept the plateau.“Act now. Go to the stricken area and stay with the people. We must help them go back to work and rebuild homes.”Under Kong’s command, more than ten teams were dispatched to afflicted areas. As roads were blocked by deep snow, they had to shovel the driveway by hand. There was only one thing in their mind: to send the care of the Party and the government to the disaster-strickenareas as soon as possible.

Kong witnessed the severe damage caused by the snowstorm to the herdsmen: large areas of pasture were covered with snow, herds of livestock died of cold and hunger, and many people were trapped in the plight of insufficient food and clothing. Braving the wind and snow, carrying the small medicine box that he always took, Kong went from village to village to visit the affected people and treat the frostbitten herdsmen. After suffering from long-time altitude sickness and constant overwork, Kong, who was already sick, became even weaker. He felt his eyes grow dim, his body sweating uncontrollably, but he still insisted on examining the frostbitten herders one by one.After that, Kongpondered on how to help those disaster-stricken herdsmen in Qucang torelocate,transferand purchasecattle,and how to guarantee theirfoodsupplyand oil crops. He didn’t sleep until2 o’clock in the morning when he finally figured them out.

Kong said: “Wemembers of the Communist Party of China(CPC) are all Party cadres wherever we work. The more remote and impoverished the place is, the moreeffortswe need tomake. Otherwise, we willletthe party and ourpeople down.”During the years working in Tibet, Kongkepthis love for his hometown and familiesdeeply in his heart, and dedicated his great and selfless love to the motherland and the people.



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