


“一莲宣涟” 系列(十一) |The Simple, Virtuous Life of Shen Jilan

  • 时间:2023-06-25
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The Simple, Virtuous Life of Shen Jilan

Shen Jilan (1929-2020) was a native of Pingshun, Shanxi province. She was an NPC deputy from the First to the Thirteenth National People's Congress, a witness to the Chinese People's Congress system. Throughout her life, she served as a deputy to the National People's Congress and as the director of the Women's Federation of Shanxi Province, but in whatever capacity, she was never detached from the people. For more than 50 years, she had contributed a lot to the local development, helped many people and introduced many projects, but she had never reaped a single penny from the collective account as subsidy. She was often invited to give reports and Party lectures, but never asked to be paid.

Once, a ferroalloy factory purchased some copper tiles, and in order to consolidate the business relation, the factory offered to give her several hundred yuan secretly, telling her to buy some nutritious food. Shen Jilan reclined, “I have been eating cereals all my life, and I am quite healthy. I don't need additional nutrients.”

That year, a company in Wuxi wanted to engage in the coal trade business but couldn't get approved for train cargo carriage. They heard that Shen Jilan had some relations with the leaders in charge, and asked her to be chairman of their company. They even had name cards ready for her and promised to pay her 10,000 yuan per month as long as she helped them secure the train carriage. However, Shen refused, saying that she wouldn't bribe anyone for them no matter how much money they offered.

On February 13, 2007, Shen Jilan moved out of her old home. She had been living in a bungalow built in the 1970s. As the economy developed, the village planned to get the old houses renovated, and Shen’s house was on the list. Some suggested that she build a new house in another place as the floor area of her current house was too narrow. They also suggested turning her old house into a memorial hall. Nevertheless, Shen reclined firmly, saying that building a new house in a new place means taking up more arable land, which she wouldn’t like to see, and she didn’t think it necessary to build a memorial hall for her. She said, “Even Premier Zhou had his ashes scattered; why should I, an ordinary person, keep a house?” According to the village's regulations, the wood required for the renovation could be obtained from the nearby mountain after approval. However, Shen Jilan insisted that her son purchase the materials from the local market instead. She said, “Yes, I have planted so many trees, but that doesn’t mean I have the right to cut them down. Moreover, how can we cadres set up a bad example by doing such things?”

As a matter of fact, Shen Jilan had many chances to get a new house for herself. She had served as director of the Provincial Women's Federation for 10 years, and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Changzhi Municipal People's Congress for 20 years. She was entitled to get houses in both Taiyuan and Changzhi, but she declined. Speaking of the house, her son Zhang Jiangling was charged with emotions. “How badly we needed a house then,” he said. “My father and I lived in the office for seven years...” Incorruptibility is the bottom line for Party cadres. Many people lose their minds before this line, and end up in prison for violating the law. But Shen Jilan never allowed herself to be less disciplined. To her, she was only a public servant for the people. Some people did not understand her, but she said, “One can never have enough money. Money is like water: you can’t do without it, but if you have too much, you will be drowned.”

翻译 | 翻译系学生党支部

安润泽 杨诺晗 彭正

校对 | 英语语言文化学院教工党支部 辛献云


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