


“一莲宣涟”系列 (十四) | The Story about “Sixty Cents”

  • 时间:2023-07-15
  • 来源:
  • 作者:翻译系学生党支部












The Story about “Sixty Cents”

The life was quite tough when Dong Biwu worked in the Southern Bureau of the Communist Party of China (Office of the Eighth Route Army), where the meal allowance for each person was only 3 Yuan (Kuomingtang currency) a month. During the Chongqing talks, Mao Zedong said the food here was no better than Yanan’s after seeing what the comrades ate.

Because of the low budget and the frequent price fluctuations in Chongqing, the daily life of the Eighth Route Army office couldn’t be sustained. In order to save money and ensure the normal operation of the Southern Bureau, Dong Biwu was appointed to take charge of the logistics work.

Dong Biwu was on the trot every day with tremendous work to do, but he did not take the management and supervision of the office's food expenses lightly. He himself took the lead in being frugal and avoiding unnecessary expenses. He made a request to the comrades who run the catering: finding ways to improve the meals of comrades and avoiding any unnecessary spending. He personally formulated a food standard for government institutions and an overall rationing and adjusting system. The expenses must be carefully kept in the accounts, calculated once a month, and overdraft should never be allowed. The comrades in charge of meals strictly observed this regulation. As for the monthly expense account, Dong Biwu insisted on checking it out himself.

At the end of the month, Dong Biwu audited the food account and found out there was an extra expenditure of 60 cents. Dong Biwu blamed himself for it, and said, “Every penny of our Party’s funds is earned by our comrades’ sweat and hard toil, we shouldn’t waste a penny.” Dong Biwu proposed to offer self-examination at the assembly, but some comrades persuaded him, “You are not the one who overspent the 60 cents. Just make up for it next time, so there’s no need to examine yourself critically at the assembly.” Dong Biwu said, “I am the one who is in charge of the logistics support and the responsibility rests with me. No man that cannot command himself is fit to command another.” In the end, he not only insisted on self-examination at the conference, but also personally wrote a letter of self-criticism to the CPC Central Committee.

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